Make Sure Your Hosting Company has Daily Backup For Your Website!
Web Hosting and Email hosting is one thing virtually. In short, Hosting is a server, a host machine to store your website files, emails and data.
Check Your Backup Regularly... Whenever you start a website you will have to subscribe for a web hosting. Some hosting company provide a flexiblity for you to pay by month or you can pay annually to enjoy discount. Every web hosting will provide a backup solution and depend on your usage to upgrade. Normally web hosting will provide a daily backup and the data files is overwrite everyday. For some critical businesses such as banking, crypto hosting, they are usually go for hourly backup or mirroring backup. One thing that we need to highlight is the webiste system backup. If you outsource your website, please remember request for a copy of full copy of your website and database for an emergency recovery purpose. If you have an internal IT department, please request them to backup the system before every new release published. | |
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» Make Sure Your Hosting Company has Daily Backup For Your Website!
Lukas Tan
February 24, 2020
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